Outrider`s Daily Rant 9 :
Вонвремемскиот, вечниот и недостигнат гениј на Едгар Алан По, во својот чудесен, занесувачки есеј Имотот кај Арнхем, едно малку познато негово дело кое секогаш кога го читам ми предизвикува нов филинг и затоа се ограничувам на 2-3 читања годишно.
Во тоа дело, По дава рецепт за среќа кој е така (не)дофатлив за обичните смртници. По инаку го имал во рака на неколку кратки моменти во животот.
In the brief existence of Ellison, I fancy, that I have seen refuted the dogma- that in man's physical and spiritual nature, lies some hidden principle, the antagonist of Bliss. An intimate and anxious examination of his career, has taught me to understand that, in general, from the violation of a few simple laws of Humanity, arises the Wretchedness of mankind; that, as a species, we have in our possession the as yet unwrought elements of Content,- and that even now, in the present blindness and darkness of all idea on the great question of the Social Condition, it is not impossible that Man, the individual, under certain unusual and highly fortuitous conditions, may be happy.
He admitted but four unvarying laws, or rather elementary principles, of Bliss.
That which he considered chief, was (strange to say!) the simple and purely physical one of free exercise in the open air. "The health," he said, "attainable by other means than this is scarcely worth the name."
He pointed to the tillers of the earth- the only people who, as a class, are proverbially more happy than others- and then he instanced the high ecstasies of the fox-hunter.
His second principle was the love of woman.
His third and most difficult of realization was the contempt of ambition.
His fourth was an object of unceasing pursuit; and he held that, other things being equal, the extent of happiness was proportioned to the spirituality of this object.
Во одреден период од животот и јас бев на дофат на сите четири елементи of the bliss, тоа беше поодамна за жал, но можам да потврдам дека Едгар не само што бил во право туку останува шокантна вистина колку е во право.