

21 февруари 2012
мн убав бил Курт Кобаин (inlove) штета сто умрел толку млад


15 февруари 2012
мн убав бил Курт Кобаин (inlove) штета сто умрел толку млад
Немој само да ми кажеш дека прв пат го гледаш.

Јас ја немам чиатно книгата на Кобејн.
Но читав на нет дека се самоубил бидејќи никој не го разбирал, но мислам дека е бил предозиран. Но како и да е нека му е лесна земјата.
  • Ми се допаѓа
Реакции: 9gagger and foREVer


27 февруари 2012
Луѓе слушајте го овој нешто невероватно ќе се запрепастите


Активен Член
20 февруари 2012
Немој само да ми кажеш дека прв пат го гледаш.

Јас ја немам чиатно книгата на Кобејн.
Но читав на нет дека се самоубил бидејќи никој не го разбирал, но мислам дека е бил предозиран. Но како и да е нека му е лесна земјата.
Не е закопан, за да му е лесна земјата. Кремиран е, и пепелта е расфрлана под некој мост во Абердин, каде што е напишана песната Something in the way.
Јас сум цврсто уверена дека Курт не се самоубил. Точно дека не бил сфатен од светот, бил поинаков, бил уметник и гение во секоја смисла на зборот, но да се самоубие сум 99% сигурна дека не.
Според мои сознанија, сакал да се разведе од Кортни, да ја лиши од старателството и од секакво право над неговиот имот и да ја здувне. Има и некои шпекулации во однос на тоа што се случило во Рим 93та кога се предозирал

Kurt Cobain lived for twenty seven years, some of which were blighted by excruciating stomach pains that sometimes drove him to consider suicide. But He survived. He managed to get treatment for that problem. He survived.

Within hours of Courtney Love and Michael DeWitt joining Kurt in Rome, hours in which Kurt argued with Courtney, and finally decided to leave her, Kurt was fighting for his life in a hospital in Rome.
Courtney's response to this was to tell Select magazine: "If he thinks he can get away from me that easily, he can forget it. I'll follow him through hell."
She said this not within the context of a failed suicide, but within the context of an argument in which he told her he was leaving her. It is reminiscent of a recorded threat by Courtney to Victoria Clarke" I will haunt you to fucking hell, for the rest of your life."
Tom Grant believes that this overdose was an attempt by Courtney to murder Kurt. The overdose was due to his ingesting Rohypnol and champagne, which Grant believed Courtney administered to Kurt without his knowledge.
Wallace and Halperin mention this in their book and then ask why Courtney would have called the ambulance whilst Kurt was unconscious, rather than leaving him to die?
In an interview with Robert Hilburn on April 4th 1994, Courtney talked about the overdose in Rome. Hillburn reported: Love had flown to Rome early last month to spend a few days with Cobain after he cancelled part of a European concert tour, caused by illness. She woke in the hotel room to find him unconscious, having taken some of her prescription tranquilizers and alcohol, she says; " He was dead......legally dead, he was in a coma for 20 hours...on life support. They thought he was never going to come out of it." (L.A. Times April 10th 1994).
Maybe Courtney did leave him until she thought he was dead. Her above statement looks to me like amazed disbelief that he was not dead. Maybe the answer is that obvious.

Reports came through that Cobain had been moved from the Umberto Prima Hospital - allegedly at Courtney Love's insistence - to the American Hospital. Many thought that, in the state he was in, Cobain would not be moved anywhere unless doctors at the Umberto had said they could do nothing more for him. A doctor at the Umberto Prima said: "Cobain was in a grave condition when he left here." (Melody Maker's March 12th 1994 edition).
How wise was it to have Kurt transferred at this point? Could this have been a desperate attempt to set-back/prevent his recovery? I know it was supposed to be for security reasons, but I question this excuse.
On March 3rd, just a few hours before she met Kurt in Rome, Courtney did an interview with Select magazine, the writer said that during this interview Love was popping Rohypnol: There is a box of Rohypnol on the big mahogany table in the middle of Courtney Love's London hotel room, among the scattered papers and cigarette boxes. "Look, I know this is a controlled substance," she smiles as she empties one of those fizzy stomach upset powders into a tumbler of water and washes back a Rohypnol. "I got it from my doctor. It's like Valium. You know, fuck that Prozac stuff. I'm not a depressive, I tried it for like five or six days, and by the sixth day I started seeing tracers like when you're on acid..." (Select's May 1994 edition).

Еве и други работи, кои укажуваат дека не бил суицидален
Имате се на странава ако ве интересира да истражувате околу неговата смрт.

И да, анализирајте ја you know you're right ќе ви стане јасно:) Барем како што јас ја имам сфатено, напишана е за неа...

I would never bother you
I would never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you
Never say a word again
I will crawl away for good

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never failed to fail

You know you're right
You know you're right
You know you're right

It's so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
There's talk about someone else
Steaming, soon begins to melt
Nothin' really bothers her
She just wants to love herself

I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it'd come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never failed to fail


Луѓе слушајте го овој нешто невероватно ќе се запрепастите

Џабе му е гласот, Курт не го правеше препознатлив неговиот глас, туку целиот во комплет. Уметник во секоја смисла на зборот. Човек што не живее во овој свет, човек на кој му е тесно овде, оној кој покажува среден прст на се и продолжува повторно да биде во тој свој свет, неограничен... Некој што целото срање што го чувствува умее да го преточи во музика, во песна, во стихови. Не се раѓа друг Курт никогаш повеќе.
  • Ми се допаѓа
Реакции: Morticia. and Ghtalpo