Како надополнување, Будизмот е настанат од Џаинизмот и погледите за универзумот е истиот.
Jain beliefs about the universe
Jains believe that the universe we perceive really exists and is not an illusion. It contains two classes of thing:
jivas - living souls, and ajivas - non-living objects, which include everything else, including space.
Nothing in the universe is ever destroyed or created, they simply change from one form to another.
Jains believe that the universe has always existed and will always exist. It is regulated by cosmic laws and kept going by its own energy processes.
This concept of the universe is compatible with modern scientific thinking.
Jains do not believe that the universe was created by any sort of god.
The Jain word that comes closest to the western idea of the universe is "loka".
The loka is the framework of the universe. It contains the world we experience at the moment, as well as the worlds of heaven and hell.
The loka exists in space. Space is infinite, the universe is not.