Го достигна врвот на дебатирање.
Кога немаш аргумент,и почнуваш со навреди.
Видеото го најдов на ЈуТјуб чисто затоа што сакав да ти го покажам ставот на Кембл кој не е начин на кој размислува глупава манекенка.
А тоа што ти си огорчена личност полна со предрасуди и стереотипи впиени од општеството,е тоа е веќе нешто друго.
Си си креирал грда слика во главата за општеството од која ми се повраќа.
И со ваквиот став очекувам нови твои мислења и теми од стилот "Сите плавуши се глупи" и "Сите кинези имаат мало мандалце".
Исто така,мешаш старлети и елитни проститутки со манекенки.
Манекенка е дефинирана како личност која со помош на физичкиот изглед промовира облека на пазарот.
А не фуфа со силиконска цицка што рипа по шеици во Дубаи за 200 евра.
Среди си ги поимите прво.
Не е никаква навреда, само констатирам факти. Или ти проработи суетата и не сакаш да признаеш дека ми даде многу лош пример, или навистина не ја сметаш типката за дебил, што и не кажува нешто позитивно за тебе. Ти ја постираше Наоми Кемпбел како доказ дека манекенките не се дебили. Еве ти извадок од википедија:
In 1999, Campbell entered rehab after a five-year addiction to cocaine. Of her choice, in 1994, to first use the drug, Campbell said in 2005, "I was having fun. I was living this life of travelling the world and having people just give you anything. [But] the little glow in your face goes....It's a very nasty drug." In 2002, Campbell successfully claimed a breach of confidence against the Daily Mirror, after the newspaper published a report of her drug addiction, including a photograph of her leaving a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The High Court ordered £3,500 in damages from the Daily Mirror. Later that year the ruling was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which ordered Campbell to pay the newspaper's £350,000 legal costs, but in 2004 the House of Lords reinstated the High Court ruling and damages. In August 2010, Campbell made a highly-publicised appearance at a war crimes trial against former Liberian president Charles Taylor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Leidschendam. She was called to give evidence on a "blood diamond" she allegedly received from Taylor during a Nelson Mandela Children's Fund function in 1997. Campbell initially refused to testify, and—after being subpoenaed—told the court that being there was "a big inconvenience" for her. She testified that she was given "dirty-looking" stones late at night by two unidentified men, and claimed she did not know the diamonds had originated from Taylor until being told so the next morning by a fellow attendee, actress Mia Farrow. However, her account was contradicted by testimonies from Farrow, her former agent Carole White, and former Children's Fund director Jeremy Ratcliffe.
Assault cases
Between 1998 and 2008, Campbell was accused ten times of committing acts of violence against employees, associates, and, in one instance, police officers. In 2000, Campbell pleaded guilty in Toronto to assaulting her personal assistant Georgina Galanis with a cell phone. Campbell paid Galanis an undisclosed sum and agreed to attend anger management classes; her record was cleared in exchange for her expressing remorse.
By 2006, eight other employees and associates had come forward with claims of abuse: secretary Vanessa Frisbee claimed she was physically assaulted by Campbell, housekeeper Millicent Burton claimed Campbell had slapped, kicked, and scratched her, assistant Simone Craig claimed Campbell held her hostage and threw a phone at her, housekeeper Ana Scolavino claimed Campbell threw a BlackBerry personal organiser at her, maid Gaby Gibson claimed Campbell hit her and called her names, and assistant Amanda Brack claimed Campbell slapped and beat her with a BlackBerry. In 2005, Campbell was photographed wearing a Chip and Pepper T-shirt that read "Naomi Hit Me...and I Loved It".
In 2007, Campbell pleaded guilty in New York to assaulting her former housekeeper Ana Scolavino. She was sentenced to pay Scolavino's medical expenses, attend an anger management program, and perform five days of community service with New York's sanitation department. She attended her community service wearing designer outfits, including fedoras, furs, and—upon completion of her sentence—a silver sequined Dolce & Gabbana gown. Campbell detailed her community service experience in a W feature titled "The Naomi Diaries", in which she wrote, "I keep on sweeping. I'm getting very protective of my pile of rubbish—kind of the way I feel about my Hermès handbag." That same year, Campbell settled the lawsuits brought by actress Yvonne Sciò and her former assistant Amanda Brack.She spoofed herself in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial, directed by Zach Braff, which showed her breaking her heel while gardening and throwing it through a window.
In 2008, Campbell pleaded guilty to assaulting two police officers at London Heathrow Airport. She had spit at the officers following an argument about her lost luggage. Campbell was sentenced to 200 hours of community service and fined $4,600. She was banned for life from British Airways. In 2009, Campbell settled the lawsuit brought by her former maid Gaby Gibson.
In 1999, Campbell entered rehab after a five-year addiction to cocaine. Of her choice, in 1994, to first use the drug, Campbell said in 2005, "I was having fun. I was living this life of travelling the world and having people just give you anything. [But] the little glow in your face goes....It's a very nasty drug." In 2002, Campbell successfully claimed a breach of confidence against the Daily Mirror, after the newspaper published a report of her drug addiction, including a photograph of her leaving a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. The High Court ordered £3,500 in damages from the Daily Mirror. Later that year the ruling was overturned by the Court of Appeal, which ordered Campbell to pay the newspaper's £350,000 legal costs, but in 2004 the House of Lords reinstated the High Court ruling and damages. In August 2010, Campbell made a highly-publicised appearance at a war crimes trial against former Liberian president Charles Taylor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Leidschendam. She was called to give evidence on a "blood diamond" she allegedly received from Taylor during a Nelson Mandela Children's Fund function in 1997. Campbell initially refused to testify, and—after being subpoenaed—told the court that being there was "a big inconvenience" for her. She testified that she was given "dirty-looking" stones late at night by two unidentified men, and claimed she did not know the diamonds had originated from Taylor until being told so the next morning by a fellow attendee, actress Mia Farrow. However, her account was contradicted by testimonies from Farrow, her former agent Carole White, and former Children's Fund director Jeremy Ratcliffe.
Assault cases
Between 1998 and 2008, Campbell was accused ten times of committing acts of violence against employees, associates, and, in one instance, police officers. In 2000, Campbell pleaded guilty in Toronto to assaulting her personal assistant Georgina Galanis with a cell phone. Campbell paid Galanis an undisclosed sum and agreed to attend anger management classes; her record was cleared in exchange for her expressing remorse.
By 2006, eight other employees and associates had come forward with claims of abuse: secretary Vanessa Frisbee claimed she was physically assaulted by Campbell, housekeeper Millicent Burton claimed Campbell had slapped, kicked, and scratched her, assistant Simone Craig claimed Campbell held her hostage and threw a phone at her, housekeeper Ana Scolavino claimed Campbell threw a BlackBerry personal organiser at her, maid Gaby Gibson claimed Campbell hit her and called her names, and assistant Amanda Brack claimed Campbell slapped and beat her with a BlackBerry. In 2005, Campbell was photographed wearing a Chip and Pepper T-shirt that read "Naomi Hit Me...and I Loved It".
In 2007, Campbell pleaded guilty in New York to assaulting her former housekeeper Ana Scolavino. She was sentenced to pay Scolavino's medical expenses, attend an anger management program, and perform five days of community service with New York's sanitation department. She attended her community service wearing designer outfits, including fedoras, furs, and—upon completion of her sentence—a silver sequined Dolce & Gabbana gown. Campbell detailed her community service experience in a W feature titled "The Naomi Diaries", in which she wrote, "I keep on sweeping. I'm getting very protective of my pile of rubbish—kind of the way I feel about my Hermès handbag." That same year, Campbell settled the lawsuits brought by actress Yvonne Sciò and her former assistant Amanda Brack.She spoofed herself in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial, directed by Zach Braff, which showed her breaking her heel while gardening and throwing it through a window.
In 2008, Campbell pleaded guilty to assaulting two police officers at London Heathrow Airport. She had spit at the officers following an argument about her lost luggage. Campbell was sentenced to 200 hours of community service and fined $4,600. She was banned for life from British Airways. In 2009, Campbell settled the lawsuit brought by her former maid Gaby Gibson.
Исто така, ама баш никаде не спомнав старлети и елитни проститутки, ниту ги поистоветив со манекенки. И критикувам само ЕДЕН сегмент од општеството, тоа е светот на модата, затоа болдот ти е комплетно без врска. Всушност, целиот пост ти е небулоза до небулоза. Кинези, мандала, плавуши, приглупи паралели кои немаат никаква врска со муабетот. Кога си даваш за право да оценуваш туѓи дебаторски способности би требало да знаеш дека шверцувањето на аргументи и спинување на кажаното е крајно нефер, да не речам педерски потег.
А да, и појма немаш што значи зборот "старлета" иначе немаше да го употребиш во тој контекст...