Еве еден интересен цитат од филм, малку гледано од биолошка страна.
“What happens when we fall in love? As a result of certain stimuli the hypothalamus releases a powerful discharge of endorphins, but why exactly that woman or that man? Is there a release of odorless pheromones that correspond to a complementary genetic signal? Or is it physical features that we recognize? A mother’s eyes, a smell that stimulates a happy memory. Is love part of a plan? A vast war-plan between two modes of reproduction…
Bacteria and viruses are asexual organisms. With each celldivision, each multiplication, they mutate and perfect themselves much more quickly than we do. Against this we respond with the most fearsome weapon: sex. Two individuals, by mixing their genes, shuffle the cardsand create an individual who resists viruses better, the more dissimilar he or she is. Now, are we unknowing participants in a war between two modes of reproduction?”
Mr. Nobody