

10 јануари 2013
Трите метафизички аспекти на телемата - онтологијата, космологијата и есхалтологијата:

Ontology: None & Two

Ontology is the study of being, existence, or reality. Thelema's ontology is stated simply as "None and Two." The world is understood as 'Nothing' or 'Naught,' which is something completely beyond all description and limit. In Liber AL vel Legis, it is written "Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space, kissing her lovely brows, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!" (AL I:27). Many mystics have called it "Unity" but even this, some may argue, implies something as "not-One." Crowley writes in "De Lege Libellum," "All Things that are in Truth One Thing only, whose name hath been called No Thing." From this comes the necessity of explaining the appearance of duality. Instead of a "Fall of Man" or an imprisonment of the soul in matter, Thelema explains the appearance of duality in this fashion: "None... and two. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all." (Liber AL I:28-30). In this way, the many or divided are in such a position so they may become one and unite. This is given further explanation in Book of Lies ch.3 where it is written, "The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is to the Many. This is the Love of These; creation-parturition is the Bliss of the One; coition-dissolution is the Bliss of the Many. / The All, thus interwoven of These, is Bliss."
...see also "Berashith" by Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears ch.5, Book of Lies ch.3, 12, and 46

Cosmology: Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, and Stars

Cosmology deals with what the Universe is essentially. One might argue that there exist several similar but interchangeable cosmologies in Thelema: for example, the Creed of the Gnostic Mass gives a rudimentary cosmology, the "Matter in Motion" idea in the New Comment, and the Qabalistic understanding in chapter 0! of Book of Lies. In the end, the most widespread cosmology, and the one rooted in The Book of the Law, is the idea of Nuit, Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Thelema understands Nuit as Infinite Space which is "Heaven" that is occupied by various Points-of-View, or Hadit. Each star - "every man and every woman" - is in the Body of Infinite Space and has Hadit as its core, who is "the complement of Nu, my bride," "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star," as well as "Life, and the giver of Life." These together create the Universe as we know it. "In the sphere [Hadit is] everywhere the centre, as [Nuit], the circumference, is nowhere found." There are many interpretations of Nuit and Hadit - for example, with Nuit as matter and Hadit as motion and their interplay being the universe but the basic idea remains the same.
...see also Liber AL vel Legis ch.1 & 2, Book of Lies ch.0 & 11, the "Creed" of "The Gnostic Mass"

Eschatology: The destruction of the self & the dawning of the Aeon of Horus

Eschatology deals with the idea of end-times. There is certainly no Last Judgment in the philosophy of Thelema. In a sense, one can view the attainment of the Crossing of the Abyss, the destruction of the personality or ego, as the end-times of the 'self' and the waking to the Self. Another interpretation of eschatology is the "destruction of the world by fire" (which can also be interpreted in the former sense of the destruction of the self), which Crowley gives symbolically in Atu XX: Aeon of the Tarot. In this other interpretation, the world was "destroyed by fire" with the reception of Liber AL vel Legis in 1904. Crowley writes in The Book of Thoth, "The old card was called The Angel: or, The Last Judgment. It represented an Angel or Messenger blowing a trumpet, attached to which was a flag, bearing the symbol of the Aeon of Osiris... The card therefore represented the destruction of the world by Fire. This was accomplished in the year of the vulgar era 1904, when the fiery god Horus took the place of the airy god Osiris in the East as Hierophant."
...see also The Book of Thoth "XX. The Aeon"


Хептаграм XI

26 мај 2013
„Волјата за која се зборува во Телемата е вашата суштина!
Оваа волја е ЕДНА!

Не е мудро да ја мешате со вашите секојдневни желби кон кои итате. Желбите (ако се во согласност со таа ваша волја) се само станици кон максималното искористување на патот по кој што ве турка таа Волја!

Оваа волја е сржта на вашиот живот, кој што е еден и единствен и кој што се протега надвор од овој земски живот! Оваа волја не е ограничена со вашиот престој на Земјата (видете ја Liber CVI). Не е ограничена во однос на вашите комплекси и не трпи модификации. Чистата волја за која се зборува во Телемата – сте вие самите! Вашата вистинска природа.

Оваа волја го буди Хадит секое утро да се втурне во бесконечните прегратки на Нуит кон нови искуства кои ќе го задоволат Хадит до максимум.“ - За Волјата во философијата на Θελημα
  • Ми се допаѓа
Реакции: Abraxas


10 јануари 2013


10 јануари 2013
"Thelema is advanced citizenship in the universe. It puts all responsibility upon the individual self. There is no force at work save yourself and we must strive to come into control of our own power. That is Freedom in its greatest measure."
-Frater Kakoupat

Хептаграм XI

26 мај 2013
Не секогаш мирниот кас на Коњот, или правото „орање“ со Волот, како и „волшебното“ дејство на Еднорогот се постојани! Тахути секогаш мора да биде на клунот на лаѓата во својот сјај – парафраза од Liber CC!

Ова е дел од едно разгледување на Liber III и нејзините симболи од страна на еден мој брат, иницијант во О.Т.О., книга која содржи илјадници книги и пракси за да може да се разбере правилно, а и да се изведува правилно.

Тука може да го читнете целиот негов есеј (со негово одобрување).
  • Ми се допаѓа
Реакции: Abraxas


10 јануари 2013
Liber Al vel Legis I:
51. Четири порти водат кон една палата; подот на таа палата е од сребро и злато; лапис лазули и јаспис се таму; и сите ретки мириси; јасмин и роза, и симболите на смртта. Нека тој влезе наизменично или одеднаш на четирите порти; нека застане на подот од палатата. Нема ли да потоне? Амн. О! воину, ако твојот слуга потоне? Но, постојат начини и начини.