Spoiler about season 4:
1.Elena will complete the transition.
2.Matt does survive the car accident.
3.Damon would have saved Elena first.
4.The Salvatore brothers will not be as close as they were in season 3 because of what happened to Elena.
5.Elena will remember everything that Damon said to her & compelled her to forget it.
6.Stefan and Elena will be together “as a couple” for a little while.
7.The magic that Bonnie did with Klaus is the same as the magic that was able to put Klaus into Alaric’s body and Esther into Rebekah’s.
8.Klaus’s body was not 100% burned, so Jomo will probably be appearing in season 4 “not in flashbacks”.
9.Damon, Stefan, and Caroline’s all come from Klaus’s bloodline.
10.Tyler will survive.
11.Caroline is going to be pissed at Klaus, who is doing some and will continue to do some subterfuge as far as who he’s pretending to be inside of Tyler’s body.
12.The focus of the first episode will be about the council members who now know what Caroline and Tyler really are.
13.We will be introduced to new interesting council members.
14.Bonnie will get a BIG storyline in season 4.
15.The Originals, Tyler and Caroline, whichever Salvatores will NOT be leaving town after what happened to Elena.
16.Everyone will be hating Rebekah after what she did, Including Klaus.
17.Elijah will be sticking around but not as a regular.
18.There will be a new villain.