Најпознатите напуштени градови


Истакнат Член
17 февруари 2012
Ви ги претставувам неверојатните ненселени градови во кои сеуште можете да го осетите присуството на нивните некогашни жители.

1. St. Elmo, Colorado (SAD)

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St. Elmo е напуштен град во Колорадо. Го основале луѓето кои биле во потрага по злато и сребро во 1880 година. Сепак залихите биле исцрпени во 1922 и од тогаш градот бил напуштен.

2. Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

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Помеѓу 900. и 1150. Chaco Canyon беше најголемиот центар на културата на античкиот народ Pueblo. Тие граделе цигли од песок и влечеле структура од дрво од големи растојанија со цел да се направат 15 големи комплекси кои до 19 век биле најголемите градби во Јужна Америка.

Се претпоставува дека жителите го напуштиле градов во 1130 година поради климатските промени.

3. Bodie, California

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Bodie е напуштен град во планинскиот венец Сиера Невада. Настанал историски парк во 1962 година и секоја година го посетуваат 200.000 туристи. Како и повеќето напуштени американски градови, настанал во потрага на злато и изгаснат заедно со исчезнувањето на природните резервати.
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17 февруари 2012
Huntington Beach, California
Hashima Island, Nagasaki, Japan

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15 февруари 2012
Oradour-sur-Glane, France

On June 10, 1944 an atrocity took place at Oradour-sur-Glane so terrible that the entire village has since been martyred. On that fateful day, a company of German Waffen-SS massacred 642 residents, including women and children. The slaughter was reportedly a revenge attack against the French Resistance, and war criminal Heinz Barth admitted at his trial that there was no military objective.
Barth ordered that men be herded into a barn and shot at close range with machine guns. German troops aimed for their legs to ensure a more painful death. Women and children were herded into the church before also meeting German bullets. While a new village of Oradour-sur-Glane was built nearby, the original was never repaired, and today stands as a gruesome reminder of Nazi cruelty.
Agdam, Azerbaijan
Image by Joaoleitao
(Image licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported)
In July 1993 fierce fighting brought the town of Agdam in Azerbaijan to its knees. Troops of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic raided the town, forcing its entire population to flee. When fighting ceased, the raiders set about destroying Agdam to prevent its recapture, reducing it to a crumbling ghost town.
Images (left) by Post of Azerbaijan and (right) by Jalpeyrie
After the Russian Empire fell in 1918, the largely Armenian-populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh became a bone of contention between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh became part of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic in 1923, but when the Soviet Union collapsed the region once again became a sore point, escalating a fierce ethnic conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh War of 1991 to 1994. The town’s mosque (seen in the postage stamp above) survives amid the ruins.
Real de Catorce, Mexico
Sitting on a mountainside 160 miles north of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, the once thriving mining town of Real de Catorce (meaning “Royal Fourteen”) was named after 14 Spanish soldiers killed in an ambush by Chichimec warriors. The town was officially founded in 1779 after gold was struck, and by its heyday in the late 19th century Real de Catorce was home to 15,000 people. It became a ghost town when the price of silver plummeted, but a reputedly miraculous image of St. Francis at the parish church helped draw pilgrims to the abandoned settlement. With a population 1,000, Real de Catorce is a shadow of its former self, but attracts tourists drawn by its mysterious spiritual energy. Several movies, including The Mexican and Bandidas, were filmed there.
Англиски колку толку разбираме сите, така да не треба да има проблем.. ;) Сепак во Туризам и Патување е, ако патувате надвор од земјава и вие потребен Англиски?! Еве учете се, читајте..
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